Sweet Smell of Success
Sweet Smell of Success Unique Nola tours welcomes everyone, but back in the day, the Creoles did not love the new Americans coming into port. After the Louisiana Purchase, back here in Paris in the Swamps, where gentlemen planters and rich commodities brokers are walking the streets a whole bunch

The Louisiana Bargain
The Louisiana Bargain Unique Nola Tours always enjoys a nice bargain. For example, our Local’s Guide to the French Quarter always rolls with small groups along the music and history filled “Rues” of the Old Quarter. The French Quarter was the city back in the day. In the 1790s,

Prohibition and New Orleans
Prohibition and New Orleans We at Unique NOLA Tours want to report on a very sad chapter in New Orleans’ life. No, not the Great Fire of 1788; but the tragedy known as Prohibition. Make sure to see our expert take on a spirit-filled journey into these naughty times on

Voodoo and Marie Laveau
Voodoo and Marie Laveau Of the many, many facets of New Orleans culture that is barely known, let alone understood, is the presence of Voodoo. It is exceedingly difficult to lay out exactly what Voodoo is because there are innumerable varieties and practices. Even practitioners attempt to “correct” other versions

Jesuits, Rum, and New Orleans
Jesuits, Rum, and New Orleans Unique NOLA Tours loves to tell stories not often told. Very early in our city’s history, a group of priests really got the colony rolling. Right off Canal Street, where the Roosevelt Hotel sits today, was the edge of an enormous sugar plantation. It was the purview of

Paul Morphy – Chess Master Before Chess Masters
We at Unique NOLA love to explore what makes New Orleans, well, Unique. For example, many folks don’t realize New Orleans was the home of one of the greatest chess players of all time.
Paul Morphy was a rich kid. His dad was a respected judge, and his mom a wonderful opera singer. Their home is Brennan’s Restaurant today. They still have his chess set upstairs. Chess set?

Shotgun Homes in New Orleans
Shotgun homes are one of the most iconic type buildings of New Orleans. You see a picture of one and you automatically think of New Orleans, though can be found in other cities though.

Top 5 Myths of the LaLaurie House in New Orleans
On our Sinister Criminal Intentions True Crime and Family-Friendly Ghost tours, we visit the LaLaurie House. Well, we don’t go into the house—that’s myth number one. Or something we get asked about all the time. You can’t go into the house because it is actually someone’s residence right now.

Where to Visit Homer Plessy’s Tomb
Homer Plessy is one of many American heroes with ties to New Orleans. We have a school bearing his namesake, and his contributions to civil rights are celebrated in New Orleans as well as around the entire nation.