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January 8, 2024 Walking Tours

New Orleans’ Original True Crime Tour

Monday, January 8th | 8pm
Maybe ghost stories don’t quite pique your interest, but you have that curiosity about the dark side of humanity. Some of the most terrifying things are what people do to each other, and perhaps you want to glimpse into this corrupt corner of existence.
We’ll bring you on a tour of the sordid details behind New Orleans’ dark bloody murders. You’ll visit locations in the French Quarter where the echoes of gruesome crimes of murder still cry out.
Our city, while soulful and charming, has always had a seedy side from its beginnings. From being settled by the dregs of France—people offered to be released from poorhouses and prisons if they boarded ship for Louisiana—to the delinquency and depravity of today, where the unspeakable still happens.
 Starting Location: 815 Toulouse St.

The Local’s Guide to the French Quarter Tour

Monday, January 8th | 8pm
As you stroll with us, you’ll learn about the fascinating beginnings of our city that shaped this world-famous neighborhood. Discover the must-see spots in the French Quarter and learn about the history of the “Vieux Carré”. Our local guides will enlighten you about the best bars, restaurants, and hidden gems to see on your visit here.
We will guide you on tour from the mighty Mississippi River, to buildings older than our country, to present-day curious and unique locales. Understand why people become captivated with our city and keep coming back for more.
Starting Location: 815 Toulouse St.